Faceless Friday – 01/12/17

Happy Friday!!!

A Purchase for under €20 that everyone should own…

Actually going to double this up as I got both for under €20 in none other than Mr. Price. Anyhoo for starters every single person should own a whiteboard which you hang in your room or somewhere extremely visible in your house. For me thoughts are only thoughts until you write them down! Writing them in a diary or book is ok but it’s hidden away, instead putting in out there and visible, if only to yourself, is a power shift in how you look at things you think about! Write anything, leave it awhile and see how you feel, see what grows! I like it in my bedroom as I can reflect before sleep and often in the morning something new comes. Write your goal, look at it everyday, it makes early morning training much much easier, believe me.

The second item is a calendar with enough space to write notes for everyday, use it to plan your days, weeks and months leading to that goal.

Whiteboard – €7.99 Mr. Price
Calendar – €6.99 Mr Price

Here are mine (Getting ready for 2018)!


A Podcast episode I’m listening to…

The ‘Strength and Scotch’ podcast…straight off the bat, what a concept, all these guys do is talk about different scotches and workout techniques! Fucking awesome! I’m new Continue reading

Faceless Friday – 24/11/17

What’s up guys, Happy Friday. Here are some bits and pieces from the last week:

An  exercise variation I’m trying out…

Reverse Pull down on the Diverging Lat Pull Down machine – the diverging movement when you flip this exercise around really focuses the attention on the Rhomboid major and lower trap muscle. Aim for your the bottom of the movement to have your hands ending just behind and below your ears! Use lower weight here to ensure you focus on the above mucles, otherwise you will engage the arms much more.

What I’m listening to…

I’ve been a big fan of Tim Ferris’ blog for quite some time but just this week listened to one of his top 10 all time Podcasts featuring Charles Poliquin. What an amazing character, and what an amazing 2 hours or so of content. They speak at length about strength training, what exercises you should forget about, what supplements you should be taking for health benefits, meat eating versus vegan for training, where to go to find medical information…..It really is an amazing listen.

I usually listen to my podcasts while working out but this was one I just couldn’t stop listening to after my session finished. So many tips is here, for sure check it out!!

Tim Ferris – Charles Poliquin episode

What I’m Supplementing…

Apple Cider Vinegar – Perhaps not a supplement in  Continue reading

Success – 5 thoughts and why you should be a sweet potato

The New Zealand modern day rugby teams mantra is “No D**kheads” and for me it’s so simple and perfect. Don’t be a d**khead. Greater emphasis is placed on strength of character rather than raw ability. Many exceptionally talented young New Zealanders have been passed over for the international team due to how they conduct themselves. Above all a responsibility to represent the jersey to the best of your ability without compromising the team values. Read Legacy by James Kerr, it’s amazing.

For me being successful is everything. As you grow your measure for success must also, if 5 years when I was leaving college someone told me I would be in the career position I am now I couldn’t have imagined it. My Salary has increased 8 times in the last 5 years and only last week I requested a 9th as my company attempt to make me permanent 13 months ahead of schedule – I’ve made an impact. But is any of that success? No. Money is money and how much you have means nothing to me. Imagine you have a school reunion tomorrow with all of your old class mates, friends, enemies, the rest. When asked what have you being doing with yourself will the first line be: well in 2016 I’ve made €X how about you? I really hope not. But what would you say? What are the points you want to make about yourself to people to showcase your success. If you’re fresh out and you can’t answer that, it’s time to act, time to be a success!

“The Sweet Potato does not need to tell you how sweet it is” – Legacy James Kerr

Now I’m not saying be a sweet potato but what a humble b*****d of a vegetable.

Continue reading

Week 6: Recap

A hectic week by all accounts but managed to stay true to my training and plan. A real clash of work commitments couple with gym goals, this was a testing week but I’ve come through it more motivated than ever. My body is really beginning to kick itself into shape and a few additional minor adjustments should really amplify the results I’m seeing, I’m right where I want to be! It’s the half way point and I must say I’m enjoying the training as much as ever, no lapse, and this has to hold in the next 6 weeks as work is becoming nuts again.

Really happy that I am continuing to push myself not just in every workout but in every rep!

Check out my Instagram & Twitter for daily workouts as I do them:

Instagram: FacelessFitGuy
Twitter: FacelessFitGuy Continue reading

Dieting, work and using Lent to my advantage

Lent is upon us, and being the good little catholic that I am I decided to give up a few of my favourite things, which by no coincidence at all (If God is watching) coincides directly with my fitness goals!

My diet in general is quite good but presents two different challenges as I transition from working week to weekend!


In work, it’s all about meetings; planned meetings, unplanned meetings, meetings that run over…why o why do they always run over! 😡 Typically at a conservative estimate I probably find myself in meetings between 20 and 25 hours a week, maybe more! As a result it can be hard to regulate my meals! I figured that meals requiring forks are out when flexibility is needed! Sandwiches with whole grain bread and a chicken breast has become the option to ensure I eat! I have grown quite comfortable pulling my lunch out in senior management meetings! On the plus side it makes it look like I work really hard, which I do 👍 Continue reading

Day 3: Cardio – 40 mins Medium intensity, Weights – Rest Day

The DOMS have arrived, woke up this morning clung to the bed! Chest and Triceps in agony all day. I love being back though. Luckily today is a non weights training day so just the 40 minutes cardio to get through this evening. After last nights interval training my legs are a bit tired, the aim of this workout is to get my heart rate up to a medium to high level (around 150bpm) continually for the 40 minutes. In doing this I don’t necessarily need to burn out my legs, and leg day is coming at me fast tomorrow. I choose to complete my Continue reading

Day 2 – Weights: Back & Biceps, Cardio: 20 min Intervals

Day 2 – Back & Biceps

Woke up this morning feeling quite good, DOMS are not due to kick in for another day or so. It’s back and Biceps today, the back is a large area and usually one of my longer workouts, I know the gym I am attending does not contain a large barbell so will need to improvise without the ability to deadlift. Looking forward to he gym all day!

Cardio: 20 minute Intervals on Threadmill

4 x 5 minute cycles
1st min: Walk
2nd min: light Jog
3rd min: Jog
4th min: Light run
5th min: Sprint
repeat 4 times not rest (aside from walk minute)
Cardio Mood: Sweaty!! Intervals are always tough, heart rate peaked at around 185 bpm, just shy of 300 cals in 20 mins, great way to start my workout.

Weights Work Out: Back & Biceps
Exercise 1: Single Arm Dumbbell Row
10 reps @ 25 Kg (Max weight in this gym)
10 Reps @ 25 Kg (Max weight in this gym)
10 reps @ 25 Kg (Max weight in this gym)
Comment: Nice Exercise, lats warmed Continue reading

Day 1 – Weights: Chest & Triceps, Cardio: 20 min low intensity

Day 1 – Chest & Triceps

It begins! Feeling absolutely fantastic to get back to the gym.”Weights I’m going to smash you” I say to myself (and shout in peoples faces), jk! But I am excited, lets do this! Check out my workout below and remember make every set count!

Cardio: 20 minute walk
Cardio Mood: Exactly what I needed to ease back into the gym, not at all difficult and burned some calories, Great!

Weights Work Out: Chest & Triceps
Exercise 1: Chest Press
Warm Up: 12 reps @ 60Kg
12 reps @ 100 Kg
12 Reps @ 104.5 Kg (Max weight in this gym)
12 reps @ 104.5 Kg (Max weight in this gym)
Comment: Good, however hitting max weight on day 1 will be no good for progress, new gym needed or alternatively up reps next time out! Continue reading