Faceless Friday 12/01/18

Happy New year, been a hectic couple of weeks with training, work and cooking meals.

It’s 2018, lets do this

A Supplement I’m taking…

I take many supplements but this week I want to note what I believe is the most important one at this time of year when you doing intense weight training. I’m not fucking around with this one, you absolutely do need them or you will lose time this January through illness. I am of course talking about your daily vitamins. Resistance training couple with cold and changeable weather will have affect on the bodies immune system. You can be training hard and bang over night you’re hit with and flu symptoms…runny nose, cough, sneezing and then one of two things will happen. 1) you power through and train anyway but you don’t have the energy or focus to really put it in and likely push yourself towards no. 2 anyway. 2) 2-3 days rest from training

Avoidance is key to maximising your January training.

I take the following, note I don’t worry about over recommended dosages for these vitamins at this time of your:

1) Morning

  • 3 Vit D
  • 2 Vit C
  • 1 Vit B
  • 2 Alpha male
  • 2 Fish Oils
  • 2 Calcium & Magnesium
  • Nutri-Green Shake

2) Post any training

  • 1 Vit C
  • 1 Alpha man

Come at me sickness 😁 Continue reading

Faceless Friday – 15/12/17

Happy Friday y’all! Here’s some of what I’ve been up to in the last week

A Triceps Exercise I’m trying out…
A Giant set of: Rockers / Skull Crushers / Reverse Press / Overhead Extension

3 Sets of 10/10/10/10 reps (No rest between exercises)

A Mini barbell is perfect for these 4 exercises. This set was an original FacelessFitness idea and for me it hits almost every part of the Triceps…throw in a few kickbacks to finish and you’re all set 😉


  • The grip for Rockers & Skull Crushers should be around shoulder width apart allowing your elbows to keep tucked in to your side
  • The movement for the reverse press should be a 45 degree angle, starting on your chest and pull outward and upward finishing above your hips
  • The grip for the overhead extension should see your hands

Skull Crushers Demo

A supplement I’m taking…
Grenade Thermo Detonator Continue reading

Faceless Friday – 08/12/17

Happy Friday!!! If you’re making the big trip to Dublin today for the Christmas shopping, happy shopping day ya massive culchie 😂

What I’m trying for mental (and physical) improvement…

Hot Yoga – I’ve always wanted to get properly into yoga and in particular hot yoga but for one reason or another I’ve always more dabbled than actually gotten fully engaged. I’ve loved the idea for so long of finding my centre through active meditation while also improving my physical health. I noted earlier this year the mental benefits of being able to switch off from the stresses of work and life while going through my most recent dabbling phase but for long term the times never seemed to really suit and it became more hassle than it was worth. They also have zero parking in the studio I went to which needed additional and annoying planning. Anyway a recent change of apartment for me allowed me to tactically position my life 100 metres from the gym and 800 metres from the Hot Yoga studio. This was no coincidence boys 😎 Make things easy and you’ll do it. And I have done it! I should mention that an almost 4 month lay off with a back injury also meant hot yoga was a no brainier for improved recovery as I’m working my way back! I’ve embraced it, and I can’t see myself letting it go any time soon! The past 6 or so weeks I’ve gone almost solidly every Wednesday and Saturday, it’s strangely addictive. Don’t get me wrong by what I’m about to say next, it certainly is a tough workout setting you back around 500-600 calories easily within the hour but I’m not there for a physical workout. I’m there for me. And only me! I recently noticed that I have zero idea who’s been coming and going to that class! Aside from the instructor I’ve no idea, the reason? I’ve been practicing with my eyes closed more and more, only opening to check form or to check the instructors form and how I should be doing it. It’s about me and centring me on the now. If you’re Continue reading

Make Your Excuses Later

Excuses, everyone’s got one! But how often do you make your excuses before you fail? As an Irish person it’s difficult to put yourself out there. Open confidence is not something that’s respected by the majority of Irish people. “What a prick” attitude is common towards people that want to get on in life in an open confident way. In contrast, quiet confidence is well respected. Being the guy who said nothing about it and achieved something big is held in far higher esteem than being the guy who said he was going to do it and did it! Conor McGregor confidence appears to be changing this but dare I say it, only in Dublin 🤷‍♂️

Another big factor is how Irish people have a tendency to pigeonhole people into a certain role, Continue reading

Faceless Friday – 01/12/17

Happy Friday!!!

A Purchase for under €20 that everyone should own…

Actually going to double this up as I got both for under €20 in none other than Mr. Price. Anyhoo for starters every single person should own a whiteboard which you hang in your room or somewhere extremely visible in your house. For me thoughts are only thoughts until you write them down! Writing them in a diary or book is ok but it’s hidden away, instead putting in out there and visible, if only to yourself, is a power shift in how you look at things you think about! Write anything, leave it awhile and see how you feel, see what grows! I like it in my bedroom as I can reflect before sleep and often in the morning something new comes. Write your goal, look at it everyday, it makes early morning training much much easier, believe me.

The second item is a calendar with enough space to write notes for everyday, use it to plan your days, weeks and months leading to that goal.

Whiteboard – €7.99 Mr. Price
Calendar – €6.99 Mr Price

Here are mine (Getting ready for 2018)!


A Podcast episode I’m listening to…

The ‘Strength and Scotch’ podcast…straight off the bat, what a concept, all these guys do is talk about different scotches and workout techniques! Fucking awesome! I’m new Continue reading

The mindset shift to morning weight training…

For the longest time I convinced myself that morning weight training wasn’t for me, sure running or walking in the morning sets you up for the day but weight training…No Way! It just doesn’t suit my body. It makes me feel ill. I can’t push myself as hard. I’m too tired to perform mentally at work later in the day. All of these were legitimate excuses that I kept to keep me out of morning weight training where at all possible. All of this based on some poor morning performances I had previously resulting in some or all of the above on the one day through lack of preparation.

Roll forward to my latest programme, and I just cannot get enough of the morning training. I feel absolutely great and here’s why:

1) The sense that you’re getting aheadContinue reading

Gym Tips #6 – Record, Review, Record…The importance of gym notes

Notepads come in all shapes and sizes, from little detective flip pads to A4 diaries. Over the last few years I’ve used both and a range in between. For the record I’ve settled on the most practical A5 size with ring flip binder and a plastic cover. The hardback is better and more durable but I’ve always felt like a bit of a schoolboy writing my notes into a proper book, a bit too formal for a busy gym. The ring bind allows you to keep the size A5 by folding the pages around. The plastic cover is a lesson you will learn through spillage, my god I’ve spilled a lot of crap on my gym book, that coupled with the fact it’s usually in my gym bag makes the plastic essential.

All of this probably sounds a bit mad, but you should be proud of your gym book. If used correctly it will be the key to your success! Continue reading

Success – 5 thoughts and why you should be a sweet potato

The New Zealand modern day rugby teams mantra is “No D**kheads” and for me it’s so simple and perfect. Don’t be a d**khead. Greater emphasis is placed on strength of character rather than raw ability. Many exceptionally talented young New Zealanders have been passed over for the international team due to how they conduct themselves. Above all a responsibility to represent the jersey to the best of your ability without compromising the team values. Read Legacy by James Kerr, it’s amazing.

For me being successful is everything. As you grow your measure for success must also, if 5 years when I was leaving college someone told me I would be in the career position I am now I couldn’t have imagined it. My Salary has increased 8 times in the last 5 years and only last week I requested a 9th as my company attempt to make me permanent 13 months ahead of schedule – I’ve made an impact. But is any of that success? No. Money is money and how much you have means nothing to me. Imagine you have a school reunion tomorrow with all of your old class mates, friends, enemies, the rest. When asked what have you being doing with yourself will the first line be: well in 2016 I’ve made €X how about you? I really hope not. But what would you say? What are the points you want to make about yourself to people to showcase your success. If you’re fresh out and you can’t answer that, it’s time to act, time to be a success!

“The Sweet Potato does not need to tell you how sweet it is” – Legacy James Kerr

Now I’m not saying be a sweet potato but what a humble b*****d of a vegetable.

Continue reading

FacelessFitness.com Gym Tips #5 -Basic Gyms and Alternative Exercises

When you are serious about training the first thing you need to do is find a good well equipped gym. Golds has certainly set the standard in terms of size and equipment, but Ireland and UK have really stepped things now up over the last number of years. Strength and Fitness, FlyeFit, Raw, Ben Dunne, and Dennehys in Cork (to name but a few) have really stepped up their game in terms of service to their customers. The range of equipment in these gyms really is impressive and it’s difficult to do a bad session with so much at your disposal. I can only recommend what I know and if you are serious about lifting check out each of these on a free trial and decide what’s best for you (I have a favourite and I love it!).

The above gyms have everything you could ever need, Continue reading